sâmbătă, februarie 23, 2019

Semnatura tururor lucrurilor, Elizabeth Gilbert

"The Signature of All Things" it is really a wonderful story all about love, discover, science and adventure. Following the Whittakers throughout their lives and fortune, it begins with Henry, a poor Englishman, with a strong will and love for botany. He makes a fortune mostly from plants and medicinal herbs. He spreads his power all over the world. In a soft manner, the story focuses on Alma's life, the wonderful and smart daughter of Henry. Ultimately she becomes a botanist herself, focusing on plant evolution and human development, ultimately developing its theory from studying the moss for thirty years.
She will fall in love with Ambrose Pike,a human being at the opposite pole - Alma is a smart, clear-minded person, down to earth whereas Ambrose is a more mystical one, living for higher purposes than almost all other people. He designs the most vivid and beautiful orchids. What they both have in common is the desperate need to be understood and to understand the mechanisms of life.
Learning about plants, love, ideas and concepts, following the characters from England to Peru, Tahiti, Philadelphia and Amsterdam, we are deep down into a wonderful adventure, not knowing when the story finds its end.  
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"Semnatura tururor lucrurilor" este o frumoasa poveste despre dragoste, descoperiri, stiinta si aventura. Urmarindu-i pe Whittakeri de-a lungul vietii si fortunii acestora, povestea incepe cu Henry, un englez sarac, cu o vointa de fier si dragoste pentru botanica. Acesta face avere, in principal, din plante si plante medicinale si isi intinde puterea in lumea intreaga. Intr-o maniera lenta, povestea se centreaza pe Alma, fiica minunata si extrem dedesteapta a lui Henry, care devine, in cele din urme, o botanista care isi concentreaza intreaga cariera pe evolutia plantelor si pe cea umana, ca urmare a studierii muschiului pe o perioada de treizeci de ani.
Alma se indragosteste de Ambrose Pike, o fiinta aflata la polul opus fata de ea, care este desteapta si foarte analitica, cu picioarele bine infipte in pamant, in timp ce Ambrose este o persoana inclinata spre misticism, traind pentru descoperirea unor teluri mai inalte ale vietii. Acesta deseneaza cele mai frumoase si vii orhidee. Ceea ce au in comun cei doi este o nevoie intensa de a fi intelesi si de a intelege, ei insisi, misterele vietii.
Descoperind plantele, dragostea, idei si concepte, urmarind personajele din Anglia in Peru, Tahiti, Philadelphia si Amsterdam, suntem cufundati intr-o extraordinara aventura, nestiind cum ajungem catre sfarsitul povestii.